Friends of Harpenden Academy is our Parent Teacher Association. We are committed to supporting the school and wider community.
Together we raise on average more than £10,000 each year, from events and activities that we enjoy running and our school community enjoys attending. This money is spent on school infrastructure, materials, activities and equipment, all of which make a huge difference to the quality of the education experience our wonderful teachers can provide the children at our school.
FOHA Membership
All parents and carers of Harpenden Academy children are automatically members of the Friends of Harpenden Academy (FOHA). So why not come along and get involved? It’s a great way to meet other families and we have lots of fun!
We regularly meet with our Head Teacher to discuss ways that FOHA can help fundraise for projects across the school.
Our 2020/21 fundraising priorities are:
Elmer class garden space renovation
Technology upgrades for the pupils
Much needed new books for the library
We aim to assist in completing these projects by holding various fundraising events, activites and initiatives throughout the year. No easy task right now!
“Being involved in FOHA has helped me feel a part of the Harpenden Academy community. I love supporting the events, they’re lots of fun”
— Shavalyea Gilbert, Parent
Join Us.
We’re Stronger Together.
Interested in volunteering? Can your company help achieve one of our fundraising priorities?
Please complete the form below.